Saturday, February 27, 2016

Term 1, Week 4: We are counting forwards and backwards to ten!

We made posters of the numbers to ten in English, Maori, Tongan, Samoan and Hindi.  We loved choosing and putting the right number of stickers on the shapes.  Making the numbers and adding glitter was fun too!

We can point at the numbers on the posters and say them.

Ms Gilbert likes to trick us by going backwards and forwards, but we are learning to pay attention and say the number.  We are taking turns doing this now.

Here are photos of the number posters:


  1. A7 from Papatoetoe EastFebruary 29, 2016 at 12:15 PM

    We can count forwards and backwards in Samoan, Tongan, Hindi, Maori, English, and some in our class can count in Cantonese, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Cambodian. Maybe we could make some posters to show you.
    Eva loves the glitter on your numbers.

  2. We think your posters look cool. Can you count to 10.

    B3 Kids at Papatoetoe East

    1. Hi B3. Yes, we can count to ten. You can watch us do that in this weeks post.

  3. nice counting room 12 wish i could do that. awanya room 2

  4. Awesome
    I can't wait to see more

    1. Thank you Room 2 for looking at our number posters.
