Friday, September 30, 2016

Not Now, Room 12

We read 'Not Now, Bernard" by David McKee. This was a fun story. We came up with our own versions set at school. Here are a few of the stories:

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Goldilocks and the three bears

We have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears as part of our mathematics.  We have been learning about big, medium and small.  We liked the story so much, that we have written some stories about Goldilocks.  Here are Zaahira,, Lyvia, Katalina, Saanvi, and Shivali's stories:

Three bears went for a walk. Goldilocks said goodbye to the bear. The bear was so happy to see Goldilocks. They ate the porridge and Goldilocks was so happy too and they all said good bye together and all ate the porridge together. They all were happy.     


“I found a house,” said Goldilocks. 

"It was the bears house Goldilocks," said Lyvia.

She saw three bowls.

When Goldilocks came in the house she ate the porridge.  It was hot.  She sat in the chair.  Next she fell off to sleep. Then Papa bear and Mother bear and Baby bear came in the house.  Goldilocks ran away.


There was a girl named Goldilocks and she found a house and she ate all the porridge.

The three little bears growled at Goldilocks because she sat on the baby bear’s chair.

“And that’s why Goldilocks is mean,” said Shivali.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Week 6: More, Same, Fewer

This week we were learning how to sort and compare things.

We were learning what more, less, same, fewer, most and least mean.

First we sorted our shapes:
First 'Etimoni and Rahil
shared out the shapes.
Aribah and Saanvi sorted
by shape.
Lyvia sorted by colour.
Jeff sorted by colour.  
Garland sorted by colour.
Chervelle sorted by colour and shape.

Next we worked out which object we had more of:
There are more cars than boats.
There are more trucks that cars.
There are more yachts than cars.
There are more rabbits than cats.
There are more fish than ducks.
There are more yellow
shapes than green shapes.

And we worked out what we had the same of:

There are the same number
of orange and blue shapes.

Terri, Zaahira and Steven also worked out which objects they had less, fewer or not as many of:

There are not as many
cheetahs as alligators.
There are not as many
goats as sheep.
There are not as many
cheetahs as zebras.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Term 1, Week 5 - Still counting!!!

We love to count!

Here are Aribah, Jeff, Saanvi, Shivali and Zaahira counting to five in Hindi:

Count to 5 Hindi from Ms Gilbert on Vimeo.

We can all count to ten.  We are learning to hold up our fingers as we count.

Count to 10 Fingers from Ms Gilbert on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Term 1, Week 4: We are counting forwards and backwards to ten!

We made posters of the numbers to ten in English, Maori, Tongan, Samoan and Hindi.  We loved choosing and putting the right number of stickers on the shapes.  Making the numbers and adding glitter was fun too!

We can point at the numbers on the posters and say them.

Ms Gilbert likes to trick us by going backwards and forwards, but we are learning to pay attention and say the number.  We are taking turns doing this now.

Here are photos of the number posters:

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Term 1, Week 3, It's My Bread

This week Room 12 read the story, "It's My Bread" by Diana Noonan.
On Thursday, the children made it into a play with Mrs Leota.  
On Friday they coloured masks and Ms Gilbert recorded them doing the play.  
Here it is:

"It's my bread" from Ms Gilbert on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Term 1, Week 3

This week the children will bring home a large piece of paper to make a poster about their family on. I will staple the instructions to the sheet, but if they lose them, you can find another copy here.

Kia ora!  Nau mai, haere mai.
Welcome tamariki (children) and whanau (families) to the year one syndicate.  We hope you all had a wonderful break.

For our first homework task for the year, we would like our children to create a poster with their families showing us how they keep well and how wellness is valued in their culture and family traditions.

Wellness has many different parts, such as sleep, hygiene, spiritual well-being, mental and emotional well-being, physical well-being.  These are some of the aspects you may wish to include in your poster.

Each child will be provided with a large piece of paper.  You have two weeks from the day this is given to complete the poster.  your poster may include photos, pictures, drawings, prayers, songs, recipes... and any other creative ideas you can think of.

Most of all, we hope this project is fun and the we can learn more about your family values.

Sunday, February 7, 2016